By Hierald Kane-Osorto, Chair of Advocacy and Solidarity Working Group, WSCF-North American Region
“I’ve learnt how this war and armed conflict have caused many sufferings and injustices to humanity particularly to the life Timorese woman during the illegal occupation of Indonesian military in East Timor…it was my faith based on Jesus’ teaching about compassion and radical justice that inspired myself to understand the struggle of Timorese people and to find ways to dealing with those struggles.”
Nina gave a powerful reflection on Sunday during the Ecumenical Women’s Advocacy Training on her story as a member of the WSCF and on advocacy. Nina spoke about living in a context of diversity and having daily to deal with the tension of struggle, to dialogue, and to listen leading her to take action together in engaging difference. As she continued her story she gave insight into the role WSCF had in shaping her understanding of the ecumenical movement and inspiration from the vision in John 17:21 that allowed her to comprehend how to serve one another in spite of differences. It was the WSCF encounter that gave Nina the space to understand what it means to have the abundant life, the fullness of life and finding her unique position in having to make choices that would transform her life such as participating in the Women doing Theology sponsored by the WSCF-Asia Pacific Region. Her story of transformation, commitment to justice and peace and reaching a point of renewal and understanding her life’s calling to advocate and walk alongside her brothers and sisters was an inspiring one. Nina ended by reiterating the tools the WSCF provides for its students, such as writing inspiring stories, theological reflections, leadership development, all raising her awareness of compassion, justice, and building the kingdom of God here on earth.