By Hierald Kane-Osorto, Chair of Advocacy and Solidarity Working Group, WSCF-North American Region
The opening of the CSW-55 was filled with hope, possibilities, and the urgency that the vision of UN Women will only be a reality if we are working hand in hand to move forward the work. As the day has progressed Under-Secretary of the UN, Executive Director of UN Women, Michelle Bachelet words of moving forward still continue to resonate in the room as we are working towards changing policies, impacting systems, and creating a different society for all that is about gender equality and empowerment. One of the ways we can keep this conversation moving is by remembering the key points that Ms. Bachelet reflected with us: the core principle’s of UN Women, thematic priorities of UN Women, and follow-up of CSW-55.
Five core principle’s of UN Women
1. Demand grassroots driven support
2. Strengthen global normative
3. Advocate for women’s empowerment
4. Build coherence of the UN system
5. Serve as global broker of knowledge and experience such as encourage south-south Corporation
Five thematic priorities of UN Women
1. Expanding participation at the grassroots level
2. Enhancing women’s economic empowerment
3. Ending violence against women
4. Strengthening the peace and security resolution agendas
Build constituencies of women who would be available to be present at peace talks
Increase the role of women groups in post-conflict countries
Implementation of resolution 1325
5. Support national partners to give follow-up on national action plans that ensure that governmental budgets are reflecting a financial commitment to gender equality
Aggregate results by gender
Follow-up to Commission on the Status of Women
1. Improve the quality of education for women not just providing access
2. Create tools to increase gender sensitive and reduce gender stereotypes in the workplace, home, and school environment
3. Review progress of governments on ending discrimination against the girl-child resolution passed at CSW-51
4. Gender Equality and sustainability: Connecting other processes such as follow-up to Cancun COP-16, Rio +20, etc.
5. Tracking progress of implementation of MDG 5 on the elimination of infant mortality
These parameters will help guide our work as we return to our communities to give follow-up to the outcomes of CSW-55 and figuring out ways to contextualize our outcomes to our local contexts. It is a necessity to think strategically and to use our caucuses to focus not on how UN women can do everything, but on how we can provide input and contribute to solutions. In the North American region we need to continue holding our governments accountable to actively participate in these processes–for the people not for our corporate interests. We must advance the work nationally and locally through global mechanisms, thinking strategically on where UN women can make a difference and how it is a tool that takes our voice to another level of presence. As young adults this framework is helpful in making the UN relevant in the 21st century and we will actively be participants in the process. The work is just beginning!