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Writer's pictureEcumenical Women

Employability of Women Victims of Violence

Written by Lilla Kardosne Lakatos, Area President, Europe, Continental Area of the World Federation of Methodists and Uniting Church Women

Violence against women cannot be fought if the issue of female employment is not also addressed, if women are not made economically independent. Economic violence, understood as the control of resources, denial of access to and management of money or participation in the world of work, deprives women of any possibility of emancipation. In Italy, about 40% of women do not have their own bank account and we have one of the worst percentages of employed women in Europe. Often, when a woman finds the courage to speak out, all the material problems of how to literally survive begin.

Empowerment and self-esteem support paths, income support measures, access to services, job placement programs are fundamental, structural support is needed and above all, adequate funding is needed.

The anti-violence centers are the leaders of the many concrete initiatives aimed at helping women either to recover a greater awareness of work experiences or to acquire new skills, projects often in synergy with the territory and companies ranging from the help desk to work, to training courses, to orientation internships, to workshops.

Work makes women economically independent but above all it gives her back her dignity and her role in society.

I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink and to find satisfaction in all their toil- this is the gift of God. (Ecclesiastes 3: 12-13)

Ecclesiastes always reminds us that “for everything there is it’s time…” and perhaps this is the time to engage with women who are victims of violence to rebuild their lives starting from work.


Between the tears of an exploited and defeated life, among moans for the violent solitude into which I had been thrown, I saw the sweetness of your gaze, I felt the warmth of your hands that firmly helped me to rise from the dust. My God, were they yours or those of the sister I met on my way? I do not know. All I know is that I am a woman, standing firm on my legs and looking at the horizon in you. Amen?

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Oct 17, 2024

Очень рад, что есть такая тематика, ведь без новостей на сегодняшний день вообще никуда, тем более без обсуждения этих самых новостей. Хочу сказать, что так же нужно обращать внимание на то, где именно вы читаете новости, я в своё время очень долго искал качественный новостной портал, который мог бы мне в предоставлять самые актуальные и проверенные новости. Но сейчас, я легко могу читать актуальные новости из разных сфер деятельности, а именно по работе про профессию аниматора, которая открылась мне совершенно с другой стороны, благодаря именно этому новостному порталу. Та и вообще благодаря ему не только профессия аниматора стала для меня понятнее, а и многие другие профессии, что предоставило мне более объёмное понимание все различных областей деятельности.

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