Major Christian youth movements and organizations called for a stronger effort to make the next steps towards Christian unity. Two days before a prayer meeting of Pope Benedict XVI. and Samual Kobia, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, they asked in a joint statement the heads of the Roman Catholic Church, the World Council of Churches, Christian World Communions and Regional Ecumenical Organizations to share the ecumenical dialogue with young people: “While we know that you, as senior church leaders, are committed to Christian unity, we still experience disunity among Christians. For example, many of us feel pain when we are unable to celebrate the Eucharist together and be united at the Lord’s Table.”Therefore, they call on church leaders to share the ecumenical dialogue with young people.At the same time, the representatives of Christian young movements committed to:
“raise awareness of the importance of Christian unity among young people, including members of our organizations;
“develop joint activities among young people that respond to social issues, and
“deepen cooperation amongst our organisations as a model of Christian unity.”